7638 7527 65906 Grill Replacement Parts for Weber Grates Weber Spirit E-310 II E-310 Spirit S-310 Spirit 300 Series, Spirit 700 Grill Grates Weber Genesis Silver B/C Grates Genesis Gold B/C Parts
FITS WEBER SPIRIT GRILL PARTS Perfect for all spirit 300 series gas grills, such as spirit ES-310, ES-315, ES-320, ES-330, spirit ii ES-310, Spirit 700. grates for weber spirit 300 grill, weber spirit e-310 parts, weber spirit e-315, weber spirit ii e-310 parts, weber spirit 2 e-310 parts, weber spirit 700 grill parts, eber spirit e-330 lp gas hose replacement, weber spirit s320 grates,weber spirit sp320 grill parts. FITS WEBER GENESIS PARTSGenesis Silver BC, Genesis Gold BC, Genesis Platinum BC, Genesis 1000-5000 gas grill with side control weber genesis silver b grill parts, weber genesis silver b grates, weber genesis silver c parts, weber genesis 1000 parts, weber genesis 5000 grill parts, weber genesis gold c grates, weber genesis platinum b grates. COMPATIBLE WITH WEBER GAS GRILL MODEL NUMBER 46510001, 49010001, 45010001, 3721001, 46502001, 45030001, 47510001, 4421001, 46500401, 2381001, 2251001, 2261001, 6721411, 2281411, 2351411, 2361001, 2381411, 2391001, 3261001, 3290001, 3720301, 4421411, 5230001, 6221001, 6231001, 6721301, 6731411, 6780001 weber grill grates 2281411,weber 2381001 parts, weber 3721001 parts, weber 45010001 spirit ii e-310 parts, 46510001 weber parts, weber 46710001 parts, weber 49010001 spirit ii grate. COMPATIBLE WITH WEBER GRILL GRATES ORIGINAL PART NUMBER7638, 7639, 7525, 7527, 7526, 65906, 65619, 7586, 64812,67023 weber 7638 grill grates, weber 64812, weber 7525 grates, weber 7526 cast iron grates, weber 65906, weber part 67023, MORE HEAVIER, LARGER DIAMETER SOLID RODS You will get the weber replacement parts grill grates that are made of matte enamel cast iron. weber gas grill grates will last for many years if it's taken care of.. DIMENSIONS AND MATERIALS3 Pack matte enamel cast Iron cooking 17.5 inch weber grate, 17.5 x 11.9 each, 17.5 x 23.8 in total.Materialmatte weber cast iron grate. HEALTHY AND EASY TO CLEAN bOil grates before and after each use it. Using non-metallic grill tools on this type of barbecue grate will also add life to the grate..